Members of Hawaiian Telcom’s Connecting and Building Young Professionals (CBYP) employee resource group along with family and friends participated in sign waving and donation gathering for Hawai’i Foodbank’s Annual Food Drive. They helped sort goods at the Waterfront Plaza drop off location. The food drive event was dedicated to supporting Maui residents that were impacted by the devastating wildfires. This year’s campaign raised more than $300,000 and gathered 43,000 pounds of food and supplies.
“All the donations of supplies, money and the amount of people who gathered to help, makes our heart feel full. As a bonus, we also got to see former Hawaiian Telcom employees and a few celebs!” - Diane Stephens
"It was great to see people come together, representing local companies as well as many individuals who wanted to make a difference for the people of Maui! Every bit of help matters and we can continue to help Maui in different ways." - Christine Chau
“Volunteering at the Food Bank Food Drive Day was very fulfilling soulfully. It was amazing to see so many volunteers, with so much energy coming together for a worthy cause. I was glad to see media personalities from radio and television volunteering. All proceeds went directly to Maui; to aid in the much needed restoral/recovery efforts.” - Reton Shiu